

Well, hello. Its been a while since we have seen us, yes? Sorry about that. I have no excuse, I just haven't felt like writing. Some things have been a'happenin here.

First of all, if you live on planet Earth, you may be aware of our cold snap, here in Europe. Like, really cold. Did you know that diesel fuel has paraffin in it? Like, wax? And if it gets cold enough, and you let your car get low enough on gas, it freezes? That's what happened to Jessica's car. A combination of low fuel, cold,and parking in the wind. Had to coast it down the hill to the mechanic. Cost a hundred euros. Did you know that the fuel filter for a Renault Clio is behind the front fender? WTF?

Welp, the cold is over, and its vacation time here in France, so we have lotsa tourists here on our mountain. It sucks, they ignore our 'Private Property' sign, and park in the driveway, but that's the price of living in paradise, as Magnum would say.

I have had not one, but two of the people I love the most in the world accuse me of 'America bashing' on this here blog. I just don't know what to make of that. On one hand, I do bitch a lot, and like all people, I bitch about stuff I care about. I am sick of the TSA wiping their asses with American civil liberties in the name of security theater, for example, so I bitch.  I was also told, by someone else, that my opinion of all matters American are meaningless, as I live in France. I, ummm, disagree with that statement, but I can see how one could make that argument.

I guess the bottom line is this. I am gonna do what I am gonna do, and if you don't like it, don't read it. Not bitching is one of the factors in why the government in my home, the good old U. S. of A., is firmly under the control of greedy ass corporations. The blog stays the same. See that little red X in the upper right hand corner of this window?

OK! If anyone is still reading this, awesome.  In the U.K., the government is going to start storing details of every phone call, email, text message, and website visit, under the guise of anti terror plans. That's the U.K. I am sure that it will soon be here in France, and the U.S. government will try that shit too. Speak up, if you value your privacy.

Here is a few pictures from our winter here.



Sorry, bout the lack of posts

The truth is,I have been a bit busy, I am taking French 4 mornings a week, and the sort of things that I can't get into just yet. Soon. But I wanted to let you all (both) know that I haven't forgotten about you, bless your hearts, and I will be back to a semiregular schedule .