
I got a new toy.

Oh,a year ago,or so, Daniel got himself a new camera. Unfortunately, he never used it too much. Last week, he 'gave' it to me. I am using it for my new thing which is taking pictures of  graffiti. Some is, of course, unsightly, or maybe sending gang messages,or just mindless, but some is amazing. Behold.

This one is my favorite.

Hang in there, I have a bunch more.

As you know, when I got the cell phone I'm currently rocking, I kinda started going nuts with the pics.  See more here, on this Facebook page.

Plenty of other news, now that I think about it. Jessica may need yet another operation on the ankle, Daniel is being a giant pain in the ass teenager ( growing up is fucking hard) , and my brother has decided that me and my family are no longer worthy of his love, and has 'divorced' us. Sorry, my family and I. My cat, Taco, is a window licker, but we try not to judge him too harshly.
I hope that the snow has fallen for the last time this year, it snowed every damn night for the two weeks during the middle of this month, and I am sick of it. My mother will arrive in July for 3 weeks, so needless to say,I am looking forward to that.

Thats about all I got. I need suggestions for the name of my restaurant truck. It's gonna serve burgers and fries, hot dogs and onion rings, maybe quesadillas. I had chosen Sans Fourchette ( without a fork) but someone here doesn't like it.

You may have noticed a lack of bitching about, say, the TSA on todays post. There is a couple reasons for that. First, it doesn't change shit, my complaining. Honestly, there are lots and lots of blogs that do nothing but bitch about the TSA, if that is what you want, it is easy to find. Second, I only bitch about a country that I no longer live in, and may never live there again. The farther I manage to distance myself from the States, I see them in a different light. 'Freedom' there is more and more of an illusion every day, the police see the citizens as the enemy, thanks to the Department of Homeland Security. So,in an effort to preserve my own sanity, as I do love the United States of America, I am just not going to bitch about shit that I cannot change anyway. Or, just not quite as much. It's like an addiction.

I just got a book, it's called On The Bro'd, it's a parody of On The Road, maybe you have heard of it. It is wildly entertaining, and I give it five out of five fist pumps.



Indiana Chris and the Temple of Rad

It was looking like summer here for awhile, then it wasn't. We have 3 seasons in Col de Porte, Summer, Winter, and Mud. We are ass deep in mud season. Boooyaa.

Anywhizzle, it is also mud break for the kiddles in Grenoble. My French class has ended, for now, so Daniel and I headed down the mountain to see when we could get into. We got into a museum. It was completely badass. All Pillars of the Earth, and Game of Thronesy. An archaeological museum under a church. It was like stepping into a Tomb Raider game. They have dug up hundreds of graves here, and preserved them, sort of in the halfway done stage, and it is really cool, and really creepy. Daniel and I were the only two there, except for the security monsters. They have dug in the courtyard, and covered it all with glass ( Corpse under Glass, yum, DEEEEElish) and you can totally see the layers of bones, spines, femurs, skulls, the whole enchilada, layered with earth, for about 4 feet, until you can see unearthed stone caskets. With skeletons.

It was creepy, and kinda sensational, but a really interesting glimpse into the past, which I am always down for. Especially on a coolish, cloudy day such as today. I could almost see and hear the priests and brothers go about their holy business, the workmen who built the place, the painters. It was really neat. Definitely on the list to take visitors to.


Then, when finished at the museum, we walked around centre ville for a couple hours. Grenoble really is a beautiful city.
