

So this is a blog so that everyone who wants to can come here and see pictures, and see what life is like here in France. It will probably be poorly written, the pictures will suck, but hopefully, it will be  entertaining. It will also contain my rambling, disjointed thoughts on the news, and shit I find on the internets. Hope you all enjoy.

Life here is pretty much ok. There was, and still is a lot of adjustment to living here. I have experienced bigotry toward Americans, the French think we are all just like George Bush. Or Yosemite Sam. They think we are all a bunch of gun totin, shoot em up types who don't have a single thought about the rest of the world, except that the rest of the world should just be more American. There actually might be some truth to that.
Don't get me wrong, most people here are just the same as at home. We all want the same thing, basically, enough money to take a trip every now and then, buy a house, feed the family, all that. And, not all, or even most people here think like that. Almost everyone here are kind, giving, open people. Real salt of the earth. But there are a signifigant number who seem to confuse American and stupid. Like a lot of Americans confuse Mexican and stupid. Its not a hell of a lot of fun to be on the recieving end of.

Track suits. Big here, especially with the younger men. I don't get track suits. Saw a guy yesterday, maybe 5'9, 250 lbs, obviously couldn't outrun a piano, but he was dressed for a triathalon. My question is this. How do you get laid wearing a track suit? Don't you know you look ridiculous? You are trying to talk to this hot chick, and you are dressed like a clown. Are the women here blind? Man purses, too. What. The. Fuck. You got something  in there that won't fit in the pockets of your track pants, Sport?

Ok. I'll add pictures and what-not as I feel like it. Peace, peeps.

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