
Happy Halloween and stuff

You know, I spend all my time on this blog either bitching, or telling you how great it is living in these here mountains. Welp, today is no different. Today we went to the Charmant Som, which those of you who are still awake are familiar with. You know, with the fromagerie, and the big cows? Well, the cows are gone, the cheese folks are gone, it was just us, and a shitload of other folks out for a walk.
This bridge is totally bitchen.

My house

That's the monastery from a couple weeks ago.

So, there you go.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

this was an awesome anniversary week end!!! thanks for stopping for the goats, they were sooooooooo cute and sweet and luvable, and nice, and cute and sweet and...well you know. I want one of my very own! did you know that the 17th anniversary is a goat anniversary??? it's true!!!!
