
I'm sorry, what?

Today in the news, a man asked for donations of meals to be delivered to his ill wife.

 I have to be careful here. I want you all to read this blog, and be entertained, and at the same time, give you something to think about, and try to not make you hate me.

 Alright, look. The dude is the pastor of a megachurch in California, and he asked his congregation to deliver said meals to waiting limo drivers, to be run over to the old lady. Just an aside, the church is in bankruptcy. I just have no idea what to say about this, but I feel like I should say something. My feelings run from 'Wow, he really fucked his flock, bummer', to 'Hahaha!', to, 'How could he do that?'

This guy has been living the millionaire lifestyle off of donations from  gullible bunch of rubes. I keep telling whoever will listen, there's two kinds of people in the world. Carnies and rubes. Predators and prey. I think the nicest thing I can say is ' Be careful who you trust'. This especially sucks, because he betrayed his flock in their faith, and their wallets. That's the one hand. On the other, I somehow doubt he held a gun to their heads and said 'Gimme yer money!' they happily forked it over, I'm sure. There seems to be something about the 'Pastor/ Father/Priest and churchgoer relationship that attracts people who , how can I say this, well, to some of them, behaving in a Christian manner isn't exactly a priority? To them? I don't mean you, of course, or the leaders of your church. You, being a reader of this blog, have displayed an amazingly high intelligence, and, as I have said in a previous entry, you are MASSIVELY handsome and/or beautiful. And the leaders of your church, are quite simply, above reproach. Ok? Ok.

  I, personally, think an air of poverty gives a little bit of 'street cred' to pastor types. But, remember, I have little time for religion. Its just that when I see a leader of a church rollin in a Benz, or the Jim and Tammy Faye thing, and other, assorted church related scandals, of which there are many, it gives me something to think about. Its somehow hypocritical.  Just so you don't think that I am picking on religion as a whole, this church has a lawsuit filed against it claiming that the pastor and his family paid themselves ' lavish salaries while the church was in financial straits'. Whups. Is greed a sin? 

Heres the story.

I dunno, man. It kinda sickens me, but on the other hand, it doesn't affect me at all. I don't really care that these people fork over their cash, so dude can roll up in a limo. But it sure feels slimy, somehow.

 One of Ghandi's 7 dangers to human virtue is 'religion without sacrifice', and maybe dude didn't want to sacrifice the Town Car, so who am I to say?


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