
Here's a  few new pictures for your approval. They are of a hike I went on Friday, and a day in Grenoble yesterday. I think I told you, I got a new to me, not very gently used camera from my kid. Takes way better pictures than my cell phone.

I saw this big ass bunny, and I was afraid that it was that killer rabbit from the Monty python movie, because it was running straight at me, but it turned and an away.

In the event of a zombie apocalypse, you can find us here.

That was Friday. Saturday, Jessica and I saddled up the horses and rode into town.

An open container violation in the States, downtown flea market day here.

This building has public toilets. It's in a new park, and the outside is mirrored, and on the mirrors are the words and music to Imagine, by John Lennon.

The view of Grenoble, from Fort St. Eynard.

If you want to see the rest, go here.


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