
I am sick of trying to think up titles

Europe's highest court ( whatever that means), has given France a piece of its mind for not doing enough to protect our wild hamsters. You cannot read that sentence without laughing. Go ahead. Try. I'll wait.

Done? Good. Apparently, these hamsters eat grass and alfalfa, and French farmers are growing corn instead, so every spring we have vast herds of migratory hamsters, thundering across the plains, crushing everything in their path, relatively speaking. As cities expand outward, and the French realize the wisdom of suburbs, the Great Hamster of Alsace ( seriously) is having to wake up from hibernation and travel far and wide to find food.

Here is a youtube video of the Great Hamster of Alsace in its natural habitat. There is sound, so crank up your speakers, and enjoy.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok, so now that you've managed to put this video up, what about the others!? Helen!!! Helen!!!