
Jolly Olde England has got her royal panties in a bunch over some Irish Travellers, similar to Gypsies.
 They live in campers, they, as their name implies, like to travel. Its a way of life, they do not like to think of themselves as tied down to anything, and, it seems, in many cases, they think that the law of whatever land they happen to be occupying doesn't really apply to them.
Like this.

Whats happening is this. There's this spot in England called hundred acre wood, or Sherwood forest, or Dales Farm or some shit, that these Travellers own. They own it. Its theirs. They have been living there for 10 years. Hundreds of them. They park their campers, and put up fences, and chicken coops, and some build what could be called semi-permanent houses.
Like.... this? I guess?
AAAnyhoo, these people are a huge part of this community. Remember, that whole wide open spaces thing? Like in Wyoming? Not here. Take a side road here in France, you are going through a village or city every 5 minutes. And England is way more densely populated than France. Where was I? Oh yeah, they are a massive part of they community. Like at the primary school. 103 of the 106 students are these Traveller kids. Get the picture? But, what these guys aren't doing is applying for, and getting the proper building permits. And for that, after 10 years, they are being evicted.
I'm sure there's a lot of other thing these guys aren't doing, paying taxes, keeping jobs,  being pillars of society, that sort of thing. None of which they are being bounced for, however. No building permits, remember?

The whole thing, to me, is just so goddamn ridiculous. You got the regular English folks, who seem to freaking HHHHAAAAATTTTTE these irish guys, you got the Irish guys, who have built for themselves, no shit, this,
And then you have the activists. Some of them have, and I am not making this up, handcuffed themselves to pieces of pipe that they have stuck in 55 gallon drums, and then filled the drums with concrete. Chained them selves to burned out cars blocking the road. And, this.

If you can't read that little sign, it says' Danger of death, behind this gate a woman is attached by her neck, if you attempt to open this gate, you will kill her.' That's an actual picture from the site.  These people on both sides of this are fucking nuts. But, if you don't know, my understanding of English law is this. Trespassing isn't illegal. For example, you can wait until you neighbor goes to work, break into his house, change the locks, and he has to evict you, which takes months! No Shit! Not that these travellers are trespassing, they own the land, but thats the kind of people on both sides of this coin. Nuttier than squirrel shit. All over some building permits. Or, more accurately, over some 'undesireables' in the neighborhood.

This blog entry doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write about some crazy shit thats going on in the world, and put up some funny pictures. Hope you liked it.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I liked it!
word: pressif