
TSA bullshit

The TSA is going to start using a more behavior based screening program to identify threats to the friendly skies. I approve of this, if its done correctly, it's used in the middle east, and if it didn't work, don't you think planes would be dropping out of the skies a little more often there?

What bugs me is what Micheal Aguilar, the TSA federal security director said. 'I would tell the public that for the last 10 years that they have been safe because of our efforts recognizing that we've continued to develop our procedures and our technique.'

I just don't know what to say to that. Well, I have some ideas. First of all, has the TSA ever prevented a 'terrorist plot'? The TSA won't say, citing security reasons. Bruce Scheier, a security expert unaffiliated with the TSA, indicates that they won't say because its never fucking happened.  Bruce also coined the term 'security theater'.

Just this last week the TSA found 6 'artfully concealed' prohibited items, 18 firearms, and arrested 7 passengers for 'suspicious behavior', or fraudulent travel documents. Good job.

Doesn't look like they can find a salad, though.
Numbers time! This behavior detection program is called SPOT, ok? SPOT costs more than 200 million of your tax dollars every year.  As of March 2010, 3000 TSA SPOT- trained officers at 161 airports had caught, wait for it, 0 terrorists. They have caught, though, hundred of illegal aliens and drug smugglers. The Government Accountability Office released a report saying that, since 2004, 16 people later accused of involvement with terrorist plots flew 23 times. SPOT- trained officers caught none of them. So, obviously, it's not being done right. Look to the Israelis. They seem to know what they're doing.
Al-Quida must be laughing their asses off!

 The article I am getting this shit from goes on to say that maybe the TSA is preventing terrorist acts with their very presence. Maybe, but I think it more likely that terrorists aren't going to use planes for too many more terrorist acts on U.S. soil.  You don't need a plane to fill a U- haul with fertilizer and park it outside an office building. You don't need a plane to strap on a dynamite vest and go to the Mall of America, or a Lakers game.

Mr. Aguilar went on to quip' Those that criticize us the most are the ones we're the most committed to protect.'

Looking at those two wildebeests above, there, I 'd rather take my chances without the TSA, thanks. Seriously, does any of you think that, post 9/11, guys pulling boxcutters would stand a chance on a commercial airline? Or would the passengers put an end to their hijinks? In a great big hurry?

Make of it what you will. It's your tax dollars, not mine. I left.

Peace, peeps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


you know I'm with you 300%, but I sure would like to see people comment on this!


btw, the security words are weird, today it's caboon...really?