This morning in one of the papers I read, a story from Austin, Texas, about a Senator involved in a committee hearing, called a Spanish speaking mans testimony ' insulting', and told him to speak English.
I get that the immigration thing is a sore spot for a lot of people right now. This particular guy has been in the states since 88, and probably is more comfortable speaking Spanish. Those of you who speak a second language understand that, I'm sure. I know people who speak English, but won't, because they are embarrased. When I catch myself speaking French, I stop, because I am embarrased. No one wants to sound like a fool. Read on if you want to see it in written form, in English.
To call the guys testimony insulting, though. You know, the Texas border crossed them, in a lot of cases, they didn't cross it. Also, have any of you reading this looked into what hoops you have to jump through to emigrate to the States? The U.S is one of the most difficult countries to get into. Believe me, if you were in Mexico and for whatever reason, needed to get to the States, you would check it out, see what a giant pain in the ass it is, look into your wallet, realize you don't have the thousands and thousands of dollars it takes, and swim across the Rio Grande.
Next time you are in a conversation with one of the ' Them damn Mexicans keep swimmin cross the border and takin our jobs and bangin our wimmin, why cain't they just come here the right way, lets go to Taco Bell' types, ask them if they have any idea how to emigrate to the U.S. from somewhere else.
This fucking guy |
I will break it down for you.
#1 Your application, 3-6 months, $1000 shiny American dollars.
#2 Your medical check, 2-3 weeks, $1000 dollars
#3 Interviews at your American consulate, 4-6 weeks,up to $1000 dollars
#4 Green card ????? $1000 dollars
Then, get a job and become a productive and happy member of American society. Need a bank account? Get a Social Security card, because you can't get one without the other. ( Thanks, Patriot act!)Thus, you enter another form of hell, your SS card process.
It was a whole lot easier for me to come to France than that. Yeah, it took some time, and cost some money, but it wasn't worth coming here illegally. But it was nothing like coming to America. Today!
We all have our opinions on the subject, and the people. I say welcome. Legal or not, I don't really care. Maybe the government that represents me could make coming legally easier, and less expensive, but I doubt it. And don't forget, you are not that much different from your neighbor.
Oh, and Senator Chris Harris, Republican, Texas? You're a dick.