
Yeah. And also, sure.

Two things caught my eye this morning in the news. First, a man was kicked off a flight for saying the word 'fuck'. In the context of ' my fucking long ass layover sucked,' not in the context of ' fuck the pilot' or 'I have a fucking bomb'. He was bitching about his layover. Its a word that we are all familiar with, its a word that most of us use to drive a point home, give it a stronger meaning. I have no problems with this word, and neither do most of the people in my life.

My problem is with the airlines. That whole industry. Well, thats not true. I have no issue with travel agents, or the guys that work a Boeing, but I hate the whole flight experience. The TSA, for starters. These thugs paw through your luggage, grope you, are rude to you, and molest your children in the name of national security. All while not being qualified to man a fryer at a fast food restaurant. And we, as Americans, sit back and take it. Not because it makes us feel more secure, but because we don't want to miss our flight. Says something about us, as much as them.

The flight attendants. These people have almost as much power as the cops do, you know that? They are essentially waiters and waitresses, and yet they have the right to decide whether or not you are gonna make it to Boise, or spend a few nights in the pokey.
Why do they call it they pokey? Oh, ewww

 And you, as a paying customer, had god damn well better treat them with the respect they demand. Cause if you don't, you are gonna have a few cops waiting to tune you up at the gate when you land. Again, in the name of national security.

enjoy your flight

The other thing is that Denver's new mayor is being investigated for being linked, somehow, to a prostitution ring? Like, as a client? Why do we care what goes on in his pants? Lying is one thing.  Do what you want, act human, but don't lie to me. I don't care what goes on between 2 adults. None of my business. Just answer my questions honestly, and I won't ask about your private life.

Ah well. Things will be a bit different when I'm overlord.

You are gonna vote for me so hard

Peace, peeps.


Unknown said...

hahaha I forgot about this picture of you in the umbrella hat, it was at this cool black guy's stand at the market huh? wow! you've changed since then!

CJ said...

this pic of you made me laugh out loud, you opinionated, angry guy, hippie. What a treat to see your face!

Teesa said...


chris said...

Fuck. Yes. I must have that hat.