Ok, here is a short video that I took down the road from home. Its at an abandoned factory near St Laurent du Pont. That place is sooooo bitchen.
There. I hope you
A New York woman was tossed off of a Florida bound plane because the crew thought she wasn't wearing underwear.
Seriously. It's true.
Once again, proving that we are at the service providers mercy, and we, as Americans, are willing to take it, Jetblue made a woman exit the plane, escorted her to a hanger, made her lift her shirt to prove she was wearing shorts under her long I-got-up-early-to-get-on-this-goddamn-flight shirt. Then they went back to the plane, where the pilot said he would not fly the plane with her on it, and get off the plane. Again.
This service industry bounced a woman because they THOUGHT, didn't even know, she wasn't wearing underwear. Or was it a control thing? Hmmmmm. Could it have possibly been a bit of the ' Our customers are cattle!' attitude that is oh, so widespread in the airline industry?
You realize that this sort of behavior is going to bleed over into other service industries, right? Its already prevalent in the health industry, and it's coming soon to a Burger Hut near you. Make no mistake. Once giant corporations realize that the masses will take this shit from them, its on, people. Wallyworld will have a dress code. Burger Hut will have a Blondes Only bathroom.
She is suing, and I hope its for a lot of dough, and I hope she wins, but what I really want is for this story to go viral. Embarrass the shit out of Jetblue, because this CANNOT happen. We, as consumers, should not be treated this way. She paid money to be demeaned. She paid for the privilege. And if they are allowed to get away with it, and keep getting away with it, this same thing WILL be happening to you. And if that is what you want from the guy that sells you a TV, or the plumber, or the chick that does your nails, then awesome. But if you don't, then be prepared to be inconvenienced, because that is their only weapon. And they love to use it. Be ready. Have a lawyer and a newspaper on your speed dial. Don't scream. Don't act all crazy. Just take it, express yourself intelligently, and calmly, and GET FUCKING PICTURES.
So, when you see this sort of thing, don't give these companies your dollars. Don't fly Jetblue. Try Southwest. They seem cool.
Peace, homies.
Seriously. It's true.
Once again, proving that we are at the service providers mercy, and we, as Americans, are willing to take it, Jetblue made a woman exit the plane, escorted her to a hanger, made her lift her shirt to prove she was wearing shorts under her long I-got-up-early-to-get-on-this-goddamn-flight shirt. Then they went back to the plane, where the pilot said he would not fly the plane with her on it, and get off the plane. Again.
This service industry bounced a woman because they THOUGHT, didn't even know, she wasn't wearing underwear. Or was it a control thing? Hmmmmm. Could it have possibly been a bit of the ' Our customers are cattle!' attitude that is oh, so widespread in the airline industry?
You realize that this sort of behavior is going to bleed over into other service industries, right? Its already prevalent in the health industry, and it's coming soon to a Burger Hut near you. Make no mistake. Once giant corporations realize that the masses will take this shit from them, its on, people. Wallyworld will have a dress code. Burger Hut will have a Blondes Only bathroom.
She is suing, and I hope its for a lot of dough, and I hope she wins, but what I really want is for this story to go viral. Embarrass the shit out of Jetblue, because this CANNOT happen. We, as consumers, should not be treated this way. She paid money to be demeaned. She paid for the privilege. And if they are allowed to get away with it, and keep getting away with it, this same thing WILL be happening to you. And if that is what you want from the guy that sells you a TV, or the plumber, or the chick that does your nails, then awesome. But if you don't, then be prepared to be inconvenienced, because that is their only weapon. And they love to use it. Be ready. Have a lawyer and a newspaper on your speed dial. Don't scream. Don't act all crazy. Just take it, express yourself intelligently, and calmly, and GET FUCKING PICTURES.
So, when you see this sort of thing, don't give these companies your dollars. Don't fly Jetblue. Try Southwest. They seem cool.
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Peace, homies.
I have lived here, on my mountain, for almost 2 years now. Every other place I have lived, I have become bored with, and wanted to move. Maybe that is an aftereffect of being a real 'Merican trucker driver. Never is one place very long. A rolling stone.
Here, and when I say here, I mean Col de Porte, where my apartment is, not, necessarily France in general, but here, every moment of every day is so goddamn amazingly beautiful. winter, summer, fog, rain, sun, whatever, its mind blowing.
Anyway, this is what you missed this morning.
Here, and when I say here, I mean Col de Porte, where my apartment is, not, necessarily France in general, but here, every moment of every day is so goddamn amazingly beautiful. winter, summer, fog, rain, sun, whatever, its mind blowing.
Anyway, this is what you missed this morning.
I have a question. I was gonna ask if you all think that there are differences between men and women, but the real question is, what the fuck is wrong with Sweden?
A preschool in Stockholm has removed all signs of gender identity from their classrooms, going so far to refer to the kiddies as 'friends' rather than 'boys' or 'girls'.
My question is why?
If you are born one or the other, what is wrong with being raised as such? Or rather, referred to as a boy or girl? Are there not differences? They say that when there is a dispute, such as when playing house, the staff will suggest things like, 2 or 3 mommies or daddies, and that sort of thing. In this ever changing world in which we live in, more and more kids are seeing that kinda thing in real life, and they are cool with it, I'm sure. Kids are waaaaaaay more adaptable than adults.
Do male lions behave differently than females? How about giraffes? Water buffalo? Ducks? Of course they do. What is wrong with boys and girls behaving as boys and girls behave? Why remove all signs of their sexual identity? Oh wait, I know. Its because you are afraid of whats going on in their pants, isn't it, Sweden? Don't give me that 'equality' crap, either. You know as well as I do that not calling kids 'boys and girls' is doing exactly nothing for women and their equal rights. Look. Men and women are different. Not unequal, just different. Different is good, ok? So stop thinking about sex and how it relates to little kids, ok, Sweden? You fuckin weirdos.
A preschool in Stockholm has removed all signs of gender identity from their classrooms, going so far to refer to the kiddies as 'friends' rather than 'boys' or 'girls'.
My question is why?
If you are born one or the other, what is wrong with being raised as such? Or rather, referred to as a boy or girl? Are there not differences? They say that when there is a dispute, such as when playing house, the staff will suggest things like, 2 or 3 mommies or daddies, and that sort of thing. In this ever changing world in which we live in, more and more kids are seeing that kinda thing in real life, and they are cool with it, I'm sure. Kids are waaaaaaay more adaptable than adults.
Do male lions behave differently than females? How about giraffes? Water buffalo? Ducks? Of course they do. What is wrong with boys and girls behaving as boys and girls behave? Why remove all signs of their sexual identity? Oh wait, I know. Its because you are afraid of whats going on in their pants, isn't it, Sweden? Don't give me that 'equality' crap, either. You know as well as I do that not calling kids 'boys and girls' is doing exactly nothing for women and their equal rights. Look. Men and women are different. Not unequal, just different. Different is good, ok? So stop thinking about sex and how it relates to little kids, ok, Sweden? You fuckin weirdos.
Cow attack!
You're welcome. Oh, sorry you have to turn your screen.
This last Thursday was July 14, Bastille day. French Independence. Not from another country, or anything like that, but from oppressive royalty. Anyway, we went to St. Pierre de Chartreuse for fireworks. It was a small display, St. Pierre ain't exactly Paris, but we really like the town and it's close, and it was a school night for me.
So there you go. Fun was had. That day, we took a ride and met these guys.
I know these pics kinda suck, they were taken with my phone. They are pics of a cow, her calf, and daddy bull. Living here rocks. These pics are all within 20 minutes of home. Bitchen.
So there you go. Fun was had. That day, we took a ride and met these guys.
I know these pics kinda suck, they were taken with my phone. They are pics of a cow, her calf, and daddy bull. Living here rocks. These pics are all within 20 minutes of home. Bitchen.
Couple things
Numero uno. Representative Mo Brooks, from the great state of Alabama, said that illegal immigrants have 'no right to be here, are clogging up our emergency rooms, and making our education system more expensive' and he would ' do anything short of shooting them'.
'As your Congressman on the House floor, I'll do anything short of shooting them. Anything that is lawful, it needs to be done because illegal aliens need to stop taking jobs from Americans.'
I'm glad this dope doesn't represent me. When I was in the states, the illegals didn't bug me a bit. I just never cared. they never took any jobs from me. And this guy, and don't go thinking that he's alone in his feelings, will ' do anything short of shooting them'? Really? Whats the next step? Shooting them? Think about this. One of the reasons that they are illegals in the first place, is dicks like this make it so hard to get to the states legally.
I guess what I am saying is, as a citizen, even though I don't live there anymore, welcome. Mexico is worse off financially than the states, and most of us just want the same thing. Besides, a big portion of their country is a war zone. Between January 2006 and January 2011, over 34000 drug gang members, police and security forces, and innocent bystanders have been killed there. Most people reading this blog can drive there in a day. I cannot seem to pull my head out of my ass long enough to find out how many have died in the middle east since 2006, and I'm sure its more than 34000, but you can't drive there from Denver. Point is, if you lived there, in Chihuahua, what would you do? I would pack my shit and head north. Legal or not. Just thought of something. If we were seeing this on the news, we would be calling them refugees. But they are coming to our home, so they are illegal aliens.
It seems to me that so many Americans are looking for someone to blame for the economic crisis. And its soooooo easy to blame someone different. Maybe its just me, but I have been seeing a lot more racism since the economy collapsed. I guess its normal, looking to lay blame for our problems. Gives us a nice label to attach to the things that make our lives difficult. And maybe we need that, you know, something to focus on when times are tough. Would be nice, though, if we could lay the blame at the feet of those that really deserve it. Predatory lenders, no money down, and finally, OUR OWN GREED, and need to have things. Thats what is boils down to. These banks were just responding to a void in the marketplace. They saw a chance to make money, and they took it. Its what they do. Its like blaming your pet tiger for eating your pork chop. Hey, man, its a fuckin tiger. What did you think was gonna happen? The buyers asked for these loans. But its somehow the banks fault for giving us loans? What? I'm not stating that quite right, but you get it. We wouldn't accept that excuse from our kids. If Daniel and Dylan go out and Daniel says to Dylan, ' Hey man, lets go to the store, and you steal a snickers for me', is it Dylans fault? Yes, but also Daniels, and he would need to accept that responsibility. If you take out a home loan that you can't afford, its your fault too. Look, I'm not talking about losing your job, or illness, or whatever. I am talking about irresponsible lending, and also irresponsible borrowing. Its not the Mexicans fault.
Sick of this tangent yet? Me too.
A Longmont woman was arrested for grabbing the tit of a TSA goon. I hope it was when she, the Longmont woman, was being patted down herself, and not, say, a 'walk by tit grab'. I imagine, after reading the whole story, that she was sick to death of these TSA goon treating the American traveler like we are all terrorists, and decided to fight back. A stupid idea. The rights we used to have, as Americans, are gone. The right to move from place to place, within our own borders, unmolested, is gone forever. It won't be coming back.
Anyway, Longmont travels about 3 days a week for her business, and I imagine just had had enough of the TSA. Before I moved here, I would travel a lot. I can see it. The TSA sucks. At everything. They are the worst of the worst. So I guess she groped back. And now she will get to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life. For making a bad decision, it a bad situation. She is not a criminal. She is a citizen, and should be given the respect she deserves, as a citizen. She should be able to freely move around the Motherland unhindered. She never should have felt the need to touch a TSA goon, those fuckers shouldn't exist.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."
Ben Franklin was supposed to have said that, maybe Thomas Jefferson, maybe Patrick Henry. Whoever said it, it's fuckin true.
'As your Congressman on the House floor, I'll do anything short of shooting them. Anything that is lawful, it needs to be done because illegal aliens need to stop taking jobs from Americans.'
I'm glad this dope doesn't represent me. When I was in the states, the illegals didn't bug me a bit. I just never cared. they never took any jobs from me. And this guy, and don't go thinking that he's alone in his feelings, will ' do anything short of shooting them'? Really? Whats the next step? Shooting them? Think about this. One of the reasons that they are illegals in the first place, is dicks like this make it so hard to get to the states legally.
I guess what I am saying is, as a citizen, even though I don't live there anymore, welcome. Mexico is worse off financially than the states, and most of us just want the same thing. Besides, a big portion of their country is a war zone. Between January 2006 and January 2011, over 34000 drug gang members, police and security forces, and innocent bystanders have been killed there. Most people reading this blog can drive there in a day. I cannot seem to pull my head out of my ass long enough to find out how many have died in the middle east since 2006, and I'm sure its more than 34000, but you can't drive there from Denver. Point is, if you lived there, in Chihuahua, what would you do? I would pack my shit and head north. Legal or not. Just thought of something. If we were seeing this on the news, we would be calling them refugees. But they are coming to our home, so they are illegal aliens.
It seems to me that so many Americans are looking for someone to blame for the economic crisis. And its soooooo easy to blame someone different. Maybe its just me, but I have been seeing a lot more racism since the economy collapsed. I guess its normal, looking to lay blame for our problems. Gives us a nice label to attach to the things that make our lives difficult. And maybe we need that, you know, something to focus on when times are tough. Would be nice, though, if we could lay the blame at the feet of those that really deserve it. Predatory lenders, no money down, and finally, OUR OWN GREED, and need to have things. Thats what is boils down to. These banks were just responding to a void in the marketplace. They saw a chance to make money, and they took it. Its what they do. Its like blaming your pet tiger for eating your pork chop. Hey, man, its a fuckin tiger. What did you think was gonna happen? The buyers asked for these loans. But its somehow the banks fault for giving us loans? What? I'm not stating that quite right, but you get it. We wouldn't accept that excuse from our kids. If Daniel and Dylan go out and Daniel says to Dylan, ' Hey man, lets go to the store, and you steal a snickers for me', is it Dylans fault? Yes, but also Daniels, and he would need to accept that responsibility. If you take out a home loan that you can't afford, its your fault too. Look, I'm not talking about losing your job, or illness, or whatever. I am talking about irresponsible lending, and also irresponsible borrowing. Its not the Mexicans fault.
Sick of this tangent yet? Me too.
A Longmont woman was arrested for grabbing the tit of a TSA goon. I hope it was when she, the Longmont woman, was being patted down herself, and not, say, a 'walk by tit grab'. I imagine, after reading the whole story, that she was sick to death of these TSA goon treating the American traveler like we are all terrorists, and decided to fight back. A stupid idea. The rights we used to have, as Americans, are gone. The right to move from place to place, within our own borders, unmolested, is gone forever. It won't be coming back.
Anyway, Longmont travels about 3 days a week for her business, and I imagine just had had enough of the TSA. Before I moved here, I would travel a lot. I can see it. The TSA sucks. At everything. They are the worst of the worst. So I guess she groped back. And now she will get to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life. For making a bad decision, it a bad situation. She is not a criminal. She is a citizen, and should be given the respect she deserves, as a citizen. She should be able to freely move around the Motherland unhindered. She never should have felt the need to touch a TSA goon, those fuckers shouldn't exist.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."
Ben Franklin was supposed to have said that, maybe Thomas Jefferson, maybe Patrick Henry. Whoever said it, it's fuckin true.
You probably are aware of the Tennessee woman who was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for being 'belligerent' and 'verbally abusive' to a TSA dummy.
Jesus. The fuckin TSA, again.
Apparently, it is now a CRIME to tell a TSA asshat to go pound sand. I get that its part of that stupid safety procedure to go through the body scan machine, or the molestation, or whatever bullshit they decide to put in place, and if you don't, no flying, but thats not the issue, here. The issue is, the TSA's precious feelings got hurt, and because American citizens no longer have rights, a woman got arrested.
' It's 10000 times safer than your cell phone' said Sabrina Birge, airport security officer. Really? And your qualifications would be what, exactly? Are you an expert on the screening machine? Were you involved in its development? How in the hell do you know how safe that thing is, or how unsafe my cell is? Or are you reading from a script?
Putting everyone through that scanner, or patting down kids, or ordering a 95 year old cancer patient to remove her Depends is not solving anything, but it is getting the American people used to being treated like cattle. Its not good police work. Learn from the Israelis. Learn from the Europeans. But arresting someone for cursing at a TSA nitwit? Booting a guy off a plane for saying 'fuck'? What the fuck does that solve? Are these people a threat, or are they people who are fed up with the erosion of their rights? I guess that makes them a threat, to people like the TSA. Don't forget what their priorities are. Not your safety, not keeping planes in the sky, and not even taking away your rights. Their FIRST priority is keeping their jobs. Because they KNOW its just a scam, they KNOW they aren't protecting shit, and they KNOW that their hold on these jobs is tenuous at best, and all it would take for them to get back to Burger Hut is a few proud Americans standing up and saying 'No more', and they don't want to go back to flipping burgers. Who can blame them? But they like these jobs. They pay well, and they give them power. They get to tell people what to do, and they do it. ' Get in line here, take off your shoes, belt too, empty that bag for me, lemme feel your nuts and/or boobs.' Folks, dumb people like to order smart people around.
I dunno, man. It bums me out. It bums me out because the wheels are coming off the Motherland, and it bums me out that I am glad I'm not there to be a part of it.
Jesus. The fuckin TSA, again.
Apparently, it is now a CRIME to tell a TSA asshat to go pound sand. I get that its part of that stupid safety procedure to go through the body scan machine, or the molestation, or whatever bullshit they decide to put in place, and if you don't, no flying, but thats not the issue, here. The issue is, the TSA's precious feelings got hurt, and because American citizens no longer have rights, a woman got arrested.
' It's 10000 times safer than your cell phone' said Sabrina Birge, airport security officer. Really? And your qualifications would be what, exactly? Are you an expert on the screening machine? Were you involved in its development? How in the hell do you know how safe that thing is, or how unsafe my cell is? Or are you reading from a script?
Putting everyone through that scanner, or patting down kids, or ordering a 95 year old cancer patient to remove her Depends is not solving anything, but it is getting the American people used to being treated like cattle. Its not good police work. Learn from the Israelis. Learn from the Europeans. But arresting someone for cursing at a TSA nitwit? Booting a guy off a plane for saying 'fuck'? What the fuck does that solve? Are these people a threat, or are they people who are fed up with the erosion of their rights? I guess that makes them a threat, to people like the TSA. Don't forget what their priorities are. Not your safety, not keeping planes in the sky, and not even taking away your rights. Their FIRST priority is keeping their jobs. Because they KNOW its just a scam, they KNOW they aren't protecting shit, and they KNOW that their hold on these jobs is tenuous at best, and all it would take for them to get back to Burger Hut is a few proud Americans standing up and saying 'No more', and they don't want to go back to flipping burgers. Who can blame them? But they like these jobs. They pay well, and they give them power. They get to tell people what to do, and they do it. ' Get in line here, take off your shoes, belt too, empty that bag for me, lemme feel your nuts and/or boobs.' Folks, dumb people like to order smart people around.
I dunno, man. It bums me out. It bums me out because the wheels are coming off the Motherland, and it bums me out that I am glad I'm not there to be a part of it.
Got a response from New Caledonia. We aren't going. The salary is not big enough for a family of 3, for such a high stress job, yadda yadda. If it was just me, then adios, but it isn't. Just not the right time. And its not like I am giving up the dream of paradise. See those videos of cows down there? Those cows are on the ski slope that is 30 feet from my front door. Granted, its not exactly Winter Park, but I'm not exactly Shawn White, so there you go.
So. Thats all I got. Peace.
So. Thats all I got. Peace.
Now what?
So, I spoke to NC last night. They, if I understand it right, offered me 3 grand a month to be their Chef d'Atelier. Shop manager. Boss of 2 brand new, just outta school techs. 3 grand a month, they will pick up the cost of the move, I think, and she said she would help us get set up. She wants an answer be the end of the week.
Tonight, in an hour or so, I am supposed to get a phone call from the boss of the Harley dealer in New Caledonia. I think its an interview. Wish me luck, peeps.
Suddenly, cows
We had some action here today, Sunday the 3rd. Its hard to describe, so I will let the videos speak for themselves. Enjoy. I have no idea if there is sound.
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