

I have a question. I was gonna ask if you all think that there are differences between men and women, but the real question is, what the fuck is wrong with Sweden?

A preschool in Stockholm has removed all signs of gender identity from their classrooms, going so far to refer to the kiddies as 'friends' rather than 'boys' or 'girls'.

My question is why?

If you are born one or the other, what is wrong with being raised as such? Or rather, referred to as a boy or girl?  Are there not differences? They say that when there is a dispute, such as when playing house, the staff will suggest things like, 2 or 3 mommies or daddies, and that sort of thing. In this ever changing world in which we live in, more and more kids are seeing that kinda thing in real life, and they are cool with it, I'm sure. Kids are waaaaaaay more adaptable than adults.

Do male lions behave differently than females? How about giraffes? Water buffalo? Ducks? Of course they do. What is wrong with boys and girls behaving as boys and girls behave? Why remove all signs of their sexual identity? Oh wait, I know. Its because you are afraid of whats going on in their pants, isn't it, Sweden? Don't give me that 'equality' crap, either. You know as well as I do that not calling kids 'boys and girls' is doing exactly nothing for women and their equal  rights. Look.  Men and women are different. Not unequal, just different. Different is good, ok? So stop thinking about sex and how it relates to little kids, ok, Sweden? You fuckin weirdos.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh...and there I thought this was going to be juicy!