Today, I left the house at about 10 this morning, I thought I would climb the little mountain behind us, and then cross the top of the ridge to the Charmant Som, then come down the road from the fromagerie. I've done it a couple times before, its not that big a deal. Some kick ass views, chilly breeze, and too many damn uphills. But, its fun, takes about 2.5-3 hours. A lot less, if you don't need to stop a lot, as I do. Today though, I was feeling froggy, so instead of making a right at the top of the ridge, I went straight(ish) to La Pinea, which is a meadow with a badass view of Sarcenas, Le Sappey and that side of the valley. From where we live, the surrounding landscape is several valleys heading toward different parts of Grenoble. Grenoble could be described as 'T' shaped. You go this way, you end up on the top bar of the 'T', you go the other way, you end up on the down part of it. Get it? Either way you are heading south, but either southeast, or southwest.
Dom dom dom. |
Anywhoozle, I went up to La Pinea, south of my apartment. Now, La Pinea, as I said, is a big ass field. On a slope. A steep slope, and at the top of the field, is these big ass rocks. Apartment building size. They look like teeth, and I think that's what they are called. Its the top of the mountain. I'm feeling froggy, as I said, and went on through the gap in the teeth, going west, and down. I thought I was gonna end up on top of the ridge, on a trail I know, and back home by 3 at the latest. I keep heading down, trying to keep where I know my apartment is on my right. No bubbles, no troubles. Needless to say, the road I was looking for remained conspicuous in its absence. Then I started seeing signs for Col de Charmette, and I know where that is, it's way fuckin far from my goddamn house, and this is starting to worry me. And, I'm not about to climb that mountain behind me, but that is what I should've done. So I'm walking along, and I hear voices. Its a couple forest service guys. Awesome! I tell them I'm lost, and all that shit, while somehow managing to not sound too much like a 4 year old, and the guy tells me that its too confusing to tell me how to get back to Col de Porte, but he's gonna give me a lift to where the directions are easier. Off we go.
They turned me into a really good looking vampire. |
Him and his buddy take me 4 wheelin (Land Rover Defender, 'So no one can find the bodies'), past Col de Charmette, over to a logging road on the back side of the Charmant Som, let me out, and basically said, 'Go that way, angle to the right after awhile'. That way being up. Way up. After climbing for an hour, I got to the really steep part, I mean really steep. I finally made the top of THIS mountain, turned out to be the freaking Charmant Som! By now it was about 3 oclock, and YESSSS! Cell service! And, most importantly, I finally know where the fuck I am. So, I called Jessica, who was clothes shopping, and asked her to come to the top of the mountain and get my uber tired ass.
The thing is, I have a pretty good sense of direction, and knew that wherever I was, it wasn't real far from home. But I kept not taking the right path, for example I could have turned halfway up the second mountain, and ended up at the fromagerie, instead of the tippy top of the Charmant Som, but I wasn't sure where I was yet, and thought the the path I could've taken might just take me back down to Col de Charmette, and I didn't want to go to Col de Charmette , you know? And I hoped that if I got just to the top, I would know for sure where I was. I did. I could see my apartment from the top. What a relief. So, down the hill I walked, slowly, to the fromagrerie, and then J showed up, and here I am. Adventures suck when you are having them.
That peak right there in the middle? Where I started. |
So, there you go. Chris gets lost. That sucked. Peace.