Rush, the worlds greatest Canadians, were once again, snubbed by the Rock and Roll hall of fame. Not nominated. But you know who was? The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Heart. Heart? Are you fucking kidding me? Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. The Cure. Heart, but no Rush. Three of the greatest musicians on the planet....You dipshits at the hall of fame are goddamn stupid. Oh, but wait. I forgot that its dingleberries like you that gave us Katy Perry, boy bands, and other assorted horseshit over the years. Fuck you. Maybe its better to stay out of the hall of fame.
Also, over the last couple of years, Southwest Airlines has booted Kevin Smith, director of Clerks, and the Jay and Silent Bob films, off of one their flights for being fat, lead singer of Green Day, Billie Joe Armstrong, for having saggy pants and most recently,Leisha Hailey, actress, for kissing another woman. She is a lesbian. Southwest Airlines is also, coincidentally, the Official Airline of The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. If they are going to discriminate against celebrities like that, how do you think they are gonna treat you? Or your mom? Boycott this shitty company. They think that they have the right to tell paying customers how to live their lives. Fuck you too, Southwest. Saggy pants, indeed.
The fine, tolerant state of South Carolina
Here is a link. Go check it out, and report back here for discussion.
If you did not go see that story, what it says is, a Summerville, South Carolina woman who lives in a predominately black neighborhood has been, for who knows how long, flying the Confederate flag in her front yard. Her local government has stated that she indeed has the right to do so, just as her neighbors have the right to protest.
She claims to not be a racist, but I gotta tell ya, lady, you sure look like one. Anyone dumb and insensitive enough to fly that flag.... Look. Its a bitchen symbol, just like the swastika. But the events of history have altered those symbols meanings. The swastika is originally and Eastern Indian symbol for good luck. But, in the United States of America, Europe, and most if the rest of the world, do you think that wearing a swastika is wishing good luck? Why, no! By wearing one, you would be saying, Hello! I'm a nazi asshole!
Same with flying that flag. It has become a symbol for slavery. Didn't start like that, no, but that's what it is now. The economy of the south was built on making shit, and they could not have afforded to make shit without slaves. Cheap labor. Cheap, unethical labor.
Anyway, its just turned into a pissing contest between her, her neighbors, and assorted hangers on. Cuz that's all it is. Goddamn people refusing to see another point of view. She claims that it's a symbol of her heritage, and she loves her heritage, and who would argue that? I get that. But shit, dude. You live in a SOCIETY, and if you want to be part of that society, you kinda agree to a social contract, that basically says that you'll have some fucking respect. Nope. Not this asshole.
If you did not go see that story, what it says is, a Summerville, South Carolina woman who lives in a predominately black neighborhood has been, for who knows how long, flying the Confederate flag in her front yard. Her local government has stated that she indeed has the right to do so, just as her neighbors have the right to protest.
She claims to not be a racist, but I gotta tell ya, lady, you sure look like one. Anyone dumb and insensitive enough to fly that flag.... Look. Its a bitchen symbol, just like the swastika. But the events of history have altered those symbols meanings. The swastika is originally and Eastern Indian symbol for good luck. But, in the United States of America, Europe, and most if the rest of the world, do you think that wearing a swastika is wishing good luck? Why, no! By wearing one, you would be saying, Hello! I'm a nazi asshole!
Same with flying that flag. It has become a symbol for slavery. Didn't start like that, no, but that's what it is now. The economy of the south was built on making shit, and they could not have afforded to make shit without slaves. Cheap labor. Cheap, unethical labor.
Anyway, its just turned into a pissing contest between her, her neighbors, and assorted hangers on. Cuz that's all it is. Goddamn people refusing to see another point of view. She claims that it's a symbol of her heritage, and she loves her heritage, and who would argue that? I get that. But shit, dude. You live in a SOCIETY, and if you want to be part of that society, you kinda agree to a social contract, that basically says that you'll have some fucking respect. Nope. Not this asshole.
Just so everyone is up to speed, I am also accepting donations of Hemingway cats. Not spayed or neutered, adults, kittens, all are acceptable. Email Thank you. If you dont know what a Hemingway is, google it and do yourself some learnin. Or, look at that picture, and prepare to be AMAZED!!!
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Hint: toes. |
Jolly Olde England has got her royal panties in a bunch over some Irish Travellers, similar to Gypsies.
They live in campers, they, as their name implies, like to travel. Its a way of life, they do not like to think of themselves as tied down to anything, and, it seems, in many cases, they think that the law of whatever land they happen to be occupying doesn't really apply to them.
Whats happening is this. There's this spot in England called hundred acre wood, or Sherwood forest, or Dales Farm or some shit, that these Travellers own. They own it. Its theirs. They have been living there for 10 years. Hundreds of them. They park their campers, and put up fences, and chicken coops, and some build what could be called semi-permanent houses.
AAAnyhoo, these people are a huge part of this community. Remember, that whole wide open spaces thing? Like in Wyoming? Not here. Take a side road here in France, you are going through a village or city every 5 minutes. And England is way more densely populated than France. Where was I? Oh yeah, they are a massive part of they community. Like at the primary school. 103 of the 106 students are these Traveller kids. Get the picture? But, what these guys aren't doing is applying for, and getting the proper building permits. And for that, after 10 years, they are being evicted.
I'm sure there's a lot of other thing these guys aren't doing, paying taxes, keeping jobs, being pillars of society, that sort of thing. None of which they are being bounced for, however. No building permits, remember?
The whole thing, to me, is just so goddamn ridiculous. You got the regular English folks, who seem to freaking HHHHAAAAATTTTTE these irish guys, you got the Irish guys, who have built for themselves, no shit, this,
And then you have the activists. Some of them have, and I am not making this up, handcuffed themselves to pieces of pipe that they have stuck in 55 gallon drums, and then filled the drums with concrete. Chained them selves to burned out cars blocking the road. And, this.
If you can't read that little sign, it says' Danger of death, behind this gate a woman is attached by her neck, if you attempt to open this gate, you will kill her.' That's an actual picture from the site. These people on both sides of this are fucking nuts. But, if you don't know, my understanding of English law is this. Trespassing isn't illegal. For example, you can wait until you neighbor goes to work, break into his house, change the locks, and he has to evict you, which takes months! No Shit! Not that these travellers are trespassing, they own the land, but thats the kind of people on both sides of this coin. Nuttier than squirrel shit. All over some building permits. Or, more accurately, over some 'undesireables' in the neighborhood.
This blog entry doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write about some crazy shit thats going on in the world, and put up some funny pictures. Hope you liked it.
They live in campers, they, as their name implies, like to travel. Its a way of life, they do not like to think of themselves as tied down to anything, and, it seems, in many cases, they think that the law of whatever land they happen to be occupying doesn't really apply to them.
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Like this. |
Whats happening is this. There's this spot in England called hundred acre wood, or Sherwood forest, or Dales Farm or some shit, that these Travellers own. They own it. Its theirs. They have been living there for 10 years. Hundreds of them. They park their campers, and put up fences, and chicken coops, and some build what could be called semi-permanent houses.
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Like.... this? I guess? |
I'm sure there's a lot of other thing these guys aren't doing, paying taxes, keeping jobs, being pillars of society, that sort of thing. None of which they are being bounced for, however. No building permits, remember?
The whole thing, to me, is just so goddamn ridiculous. You got the regular English folks, who seem to freaking HHHHAAAAATTTTTE these irish guys, you got the Irish guys, who have built for themselves, no shit, this,
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this |
If you can't read that little sign, it says' Danger of death, behind this gate a woman is attached by her neck, if you attempt to open this gate, you will kill her.' That's an actual picture from the site. These people on both sides of this are fucking nuts. But, if you don't know, my understanding of English law is this. Trespassing isn't illegal. For example, you can wait until you neighbor goes to work, break into his house, change the locks, and he has to evict you, which takes months! No Shit! Not that these travellers are trespassing, they own the land, but thats the kind of people on both sides of this coin. Nuttier than squirrel shit. All over some building permits. Or, more accurately, over some 'undesireables' in the neighborhood.
This blog entry doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write about some crazy shit thats going on in the world, and put up some funny pictures. Hope you liked it.
Here is the recipe for candied jalapenos. They are awesome-o, and I recommend them for all sorts of ailments. In short, they'll put some lead in yer pencil.
These are your garden variety jalapenos. I get them at the market under the train tracks on Sundays, but if you can't make it, just go to your local purveyor of produce and grab a handful.
When cooked, chilis tend to go bad in a hurry, so don't go crazy at the store. Good thing they are cheap. Get, obviously, the freshest, firmest, nicest color, no black nasty spots.
Turn them into discs. If you don't want to shit fire, you might consider removing the seeds at this point.
The recipe calls for a cup and a quarter of jalapenos, half a cup of sugar, and a quarter cup of water. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the water and sugar is a syrup. The jalapenos themselves should be somewhat translucent at this point. Put in jars and turn em upside down to cool. I'm gonna freeze one this time, hopefully they will keep. If not, like I said, they are cheap. And yummy!
These are your garden variety jalapenos. I get them at the market under the train tracks on Sundays, but if you can't make it, just go to your local purveyor of produce and grab a handful.
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This market. |
When cooked, chilis tend to go bad in a hurry, so don't go crazy at the store. Good thing they are cheap. Get, obviously, the freshest, firmest, nicest color, no black nasty spots.
Turn them into discs. If you don't want to shit fire, you might consider removing the seeds at this point.
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Like this. |
The recipe calls for a cup and a quarter of jalapenos, half a cup of sugar, and a quarter cup of water. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the water and sugar is a syrup. The jalapenos themselves should be somewhat translucent at this point. Put in jars and turn em upside down to cool. I'm gonna freeze one this time, hopefully they will keep. If not, like I said, they are cheap. And yummy!
There's something I need to get off my chest, something I'm not proud of, I need to come clean about this.
I don't really like monkeys.
There. I said it.
I don't know why, I have never had a traumatic experience, or any experience with monkeys. Just don't like em.
I think its mostly chimpanzees, and gorillas. Those little monkeys in the hats, you know, the organ grinder monkeys, are A-OK with me.
Fun fact: Adult gorillas range in size from about 5 feet tall, to 5'9 or so, 300 to 450 pounds, give or take. And about 3% body fat. What does that mean to me? That means it could rip my arms off, easily, and beat me to death with them.
Jessica would never go to the gorilla exhibit at the Denver Zoo, you wanna know why? When she was a kid, her folks took her to a zoo, and she was standing at the glass, looking at the gorilla. The gorilla, seeing a redhead, flipped out and punched the glass, right where Jessica was standing. Now, we have all been to the zoo, and we all know how thick that glass is, right?
450 lbs. 3% body fat.
You do the math. I don't know if the glass shattered like your windshield, or held, or what, but I do know that some dude that was also there got her the FUCK out of there, probably leaving a trail of pee the whole way. Terrifying. That story scares the shit out of me.
Lets look at chimpanzees. 5'6 ish, 150 lbs, compact, muscley little fucks. And, its estimated 5 to 7 times stronger than the strongest guy you know. You remember that story a few years back, that couple that had a pet chimp(??????), but had to give it up because of their HOA, or building code, or whatever? They were visiting it, at wherever they had left it, a monkey sanctuary or whatever, and it flipped out. It, along with 3 of its buddies, mauled his former owner. Tore off hands, a foot, an eye, lips, nose, and, wait for it, the guys penis. Dude lived, but what do you think his day-to-day life is like? Fun?
Holy shit.
Did you know that there exists a sort of subculture of people, that for whatever reason, can't or don't have kids? Maybe they are shootin blanks, or the kids have moved out, whatever. With me so far? These people will adopt fucking monkeys, and raise them as kids. Buy them dresses, give them their own rooms, whatever. They call them monkids.
I dunno. Who am I to judge? I have pets. Cats. 3 of em. They have names. My little Taco doesn't have any formal wear, but who knows? He's still young.
I don't really like monkeys.
There. I said it.
I don't know why, I have never had a traumatic experience, or any experience with monkeys. Just don't like em.
I think its mostly chimpanzees, and gorillas. Those little monkeys in the hats, you know, the organ grinder monkeys, are A-OK with me.
Fun fact: Adult gorillas range in size from about 5 feet tall, to 5'9 or so, 300 to 450 pounds, give or take. And about 3% body fat. What does that mean to me? That means it could rip my arms off, easily, and beat me to death with them.
Jessica would never go to the gorilla exhibit at the Denver Zoo, you wanna know why? When she was a kid, her folks took her to a zoo, and she was standing at the glass, looking at the gorilla. The gorilla, seeing a redhead, flipped out and punched the glass, right where Jessica was standing. Now, we have all been to the zoo, and we all know how thick that glass is, right?
450 lbs. 3% body fat.
You do the math. I don't know if the glass shattered like your windshield, or held, or what, but I do know that some dude that was also there got her the FUCK out of there, probably leaving a trail of pee the whole way. Terrifying. That story scares the shit out of me.
Lets look at chimpanzees. 5'6 ish, 150 lbs, compact, muscley little fucks. And, its estimated 5 to 7 times stronger than the strongest guy you know. You remember that story a few years back, that couple that had a pet chimp(??????), but had to give it up because of their HOA, or building code, or whatever? They were visiting it, at wherever they had left it, a monkey sanctuary or whatever, and it flipped out. It, along with 3 of its buddies, mauled his former owner. Tore off hands, a foot, an eye, lips, nose, and, wait for it, the guys penis. Dude lived, but what do you think his day-to-day life is like? Fun?
Holy shit.
Did you know that there exists a sort of subculture of people, that for whatever reason, can't or don't have kids? Maybe they are shootin blanks, or the kids have moved out, whatever. With me so far? These people will adopt fucking monkeys, and raise them as kids. Buy them dresses, give them their own rooms, whatever. They call them monkids.
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Pictured: Crazy |
For sale
In southern Colorado, the Motherland, there is a genuine old west town for sale.
Starting bid is 2.7 mil. I am accepting donations toward the purchase of this property. Email me at Its surrounded by national forest land, so it will be used as a hunting camp, base camp for skiers, and I'll open a mountain bike park in the summers. Or build a bunch of robots that tourists can come and shoot old west style. Anyone see the movie Westworld? That ended well, right? Or, just a self sufficient hotel. Grow our own food, make our own bread, cheese, beef, lamb, pig, whatever. Come live the old west lifestyle! Bikers welcome! Truck parking! RV hookups!
This mornings sunrise. Needless to say, my shitty pictures don't do it justice.
This is my favorite cow. Her name is 4061. She is super friendly, will follow me, or Jessica, around like a dog. Then she tries to eat your pants. Its cute, in a bovine sort of way. The rest of the herd, for the most part, keeps their distance, with a few exceptions. They are kinda curious. There is something about living here, something zen, about going downstairs to see the cows. I'm sorry, words fail me. I am always happy hanging out with the cows.
Its rugby world cup time. Please root for France, cuz they have this guy.
He is a scary monster. Lets keep him busy playing rugby, so the Hulk doesn't have to come rescue us.
Starting bid is 2.7 mil. I am accepting donations toward the purchase of this property. Email me at Its surrounded by national forest land, so it will be used as a hunting camp, base camp for skiers, and I'll open a mountain bike park in the summers. Or build a bunch of robots that tourists can come and shoot old west style. Anyone see the movie Westworld? That ended well, right? Or, just a self sufficient hotel. Grow our own food, make our own bread, cheese, beef, lamb, pig, whatever. Come live the old west lifestyle! Bikers welcome! Truck parking! RV hookups!
This mornings sunrise. Needless to say, my shitty pictures don't do it justice.
This is my favorite cow. Her name is 4061. She is super friendly, will follow me, or Jessica, around like a dog. Then she tries to eat your pants. Its cute, in a bovine sort of way. The rest of the herd, for the most part, keeps their distance, with a few exceptions. They are kinda curious. There is something about living here, something zen, about going downstairs to see the cows. I'm sorry, words fail me. I am always happy hanging out with the cows.
Its rugby world cup time. Please root for France, cuz they have this guy.
He is a scary monster. Lets keep him busy playing rugby, so the Hulk doesn't have to come rescue us.
I don't love you enough for a title
I haven't posted anything for a couple weeks because I have been too lazy, and wrapped up in another blog. Its called 2birds1blog, and dayum, it is really fucking funny. Also, my back decided to stop being a team player, so I have been whacked out on drugs. And not fun ones. That also means no work. That sucks. I will be surprised if I am still employed Tuesday because my boss HATES medical leave. I don't blame him. On the plus side, I got prescribed massages. Hopefully They will be helpful. I know that daily pain is part of getting older, but I don't fucking like it.
Anyhoo, here's a post about a walk J and I took a couple weeks ago.
We live in a mountain range called the Massif de Chartreuse. This is where the liquor, Chartreuse, is made. Its distilled from local plants and herbs that are gathered by the Order of Chartreuse, a group of carthusian monks, founded by St Bruno, a long ass time ago. Here's a link. Go learn something.
These monks live way up in the mountains, gather the herbs for the booze, and hoof it down the mountain to deliver the stuff to the distillery. They live simple lives, seem really happy, and its bitchen. Some pics of the monastery.
Here is a few pics of the museum, down the hill a ways from the monastary.
For my birthday, I got some new shoes. They are pretty weird.
They are called Vibram Five Fingers. I get stared at, a lot, when I wear em. I don't care about that, I am in the Land of Track Pants, but if that bothers you, well, you know.
The thing is this. I am completely flat footed.
Which means, I cannot wear shoes that have any sort of arch. If I get some, I gotta take out the insole, and replace it with one that doesn't have an arch. It sucks, cuz it means I can't buy cool shoes, cuz I can't wear em, and I gotta thing for shoes. So, that means, cheap shoes. Jail shoes. Cons. Flip flops. These shoes, I swear to God, are like not wearing shoes at all. They look ridiculous, but OMG! Comfy.
That is all.
Anyhoo, here's a post about a walk J and I took a couple weeks ago.
We live in a mountain range called the Massif de Chartreuse. This is where the liquor, Chartreuse, is made. Its distilled from local plants and herbs that are gathered by the Order of Chartreuse, a group of carthusian monks, founded by St Bruno, a long ass time ago. Here's a link. Go learn something.
These monks live way up in the mountains, gather the herbs for the booze, and hoof it down the mountain to deliver the stuff to the distillery. They live simple lives, seem really happy, and its bitchen. Some pics of the monastery.
Here is a few pics of the museum, down the hill a ways from the monastary.
For my birthday, I got some new shoes. They are pretty weird.
They are called Vibram Five Fingers. I get stared at, a lot, when I wear em. I don't care about that, I am in the Land of Track Pants, but if that bothers you, well, you know.
The thing is this. I am completely flat footed.
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Sexy, sexy foot |
That is all.
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