
Holy Shit, thats funny

Trinity college in Dublin, Ireland was the target of a hacker, who posted the fake profile of their newest English lecturer, Conan T. Barbarian.

Highlights of the site are; his PHD thesis was titled ' To Hear the Lamentation of their Women: Constructions of Masculinity in Zamoran Literature.

The site claims he was appointed to the post after ' decapitating his predecessor in a bloody battle that will long be remembered in legend and song'.

Courses offered include ' Vengeance for beginners', and 'Deciphering the riddle of Steel'. Classroom poliy is to crucify student who cheat or show weakness.

Whoever did this is a goddamn genius. LOLZ, thats funny.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hmmm...the blogging of a man bored out of his mind. spending a week at home in front of your computer makes a man discover lots of things don't it?
word of the day choli