I posted a couple days ago about that woman that was flying to Dublin, the whole 'Get your freak on, girl' thing? You remember? Huh? Do ya? Well, the TSA, in an attempt to save themselves further embarrassment, told the offending agent to pack his( or her) shenanigans and hit the trail.

I would love to say that hopefully, this is the first of several good-sense moves by Americas new favorite agency, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the T! S!! A!!!! but who the fuck would I be kidding? This is just a P.R. move, and this way, the TSA can say to you, the air traveler, ' Sir and/or Madame, what I'm gonna need you to do for me right now, sir, is remember that we fired that note writer guy, and sir, I'm gonna need to feel your nuts, sir, and I'm gonna need to take any semblance of dignity, privacy, or feeling that you live in a free country you might have remaining on your person, sir', as they run you through an ever increasing and invasive screening process. Boy, do I love to bitch about the TSA! Sorry, folks.
Peace, love, and road trips.