

Today, J and I headed on down the hill to Grenoble. The plan was to hit the Xmas market. Its a thing the city puts on every year, they put up these little sheds, and folks sell their wares. Think peoples fair, Denver. only smaller, and Frencher. But first, the flea market. I took some photos and posted about this awhile back, its just people flea marketing their asses off, 4 times a year. Its cool. But, the Christmas market.

Man, I love this fucking place. Two words. Tartiflette, and Croziflette. Oh, yeah, Raclette, too.

Fuck, yes. These are traditionally winter dishes, that rely heavily on stinky cheese and wine. The city stuck most of the people selling this stuff in one spot, so just standing around and using your nose is enough to give you a serious food boner.

Anywho, I had some hot wine, which is the SHIZZLE on a cold day. J had hot chocolate, with Chartreuse. We found some terrible donuts, and life was good. We then hung out until the Christmas lights came on.



Unknown said...

it was a rockin' good day!!!!


Anonymous said...

those plates look like edible art. Yumster! I love it that you're having sensory experiences every day. I might even be a bit jealous.