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I got a DUI in 1998. I was a truck driver at the time, but was in my car, not my truck. Got pulled over for having a headlight out. Not speeding, not swerving, a headlight out. I need to make it clear that I am not bitter about getting a DUI. I deserved it. I blew something like a .107, the limit at that time was .10, so I was over, and upon retesting it was a .87. Out of DUI territory, but still in DWAI land. Bad news for a truck driver.
So. On to the subject of this post. This goddamn cop. This motherfucker, number one, is pulled over for going 88 miles over the speed limit. If I understand it right, that is not only a speeding ticket, but at least a reckless driving ticket. Put the 2 together, and you, my friend are not driving away from that traffic stop. You are being driven. By a cop. On your way to jail. But this cop, on top of all that, was drunk. He blew a .089, over the now legal limit of .08.
Aaaaaand now, he would like his job back, please. I have something to say to you, former state trooper Derrick Curtis Saunders. I know that you are human, and should be allowed to make mistakes, but you, you cunt, you drove incredibly carelessly on a road like Gun Club, which, while not exactly packed with people, isn't totally empty, either. There's an airport out that way, and people travel that road, and they should not have to worry about some fucking asshole cop ( other than the other asshole cops, giving their chickenshit tickets out there), fucked up, or buzzed, or whatever not-sober term you wanna use, flying around in his car at 143 MILES PER GODDAMN HOUR. You are a cop. You have an obligation to hold yourself to the letter of the law 24 fucking hours a day, you fucking dingleberry. You are why most of the population hates cops. Because some of you fuckers are human shit, like you, helping the attitude that the rest of you dicks with badges have, us vs. them. You don't trust us, and we sure as shit don't trust you. I have friends who have gotten DUIs, and they deserved them, but the state of ruination that they were left with. I am not saying that there should be no punishment, but the hoops the state make offenders jump through, it ruins lives. The useless MADD bullshit. All they do is tell you that if you have one drink, in any situation, you are an alcoholic, and are a really super bad person. It's crap. The classes. Mine were in 2 segments. One was a class with a shrink, and the only reason I paid attention is because she was hot. Not real bright, but good lookin. And, of course, the message was, if you drink, you have a problem. Period. Its not true, of course, but there you go. The other segment was about how booze works to impair you, and it was really interesting. But the message was always the same. Secondly, you are an alcoholic, but firstly, give us money. I took those classes twice a week, for 8 months, at 25 bucks a pop. I had to get a lawyer, at 1000 dollars. I had fines, court costs, it all added up to about 3500 dollars, and that was a bargain. It was thought then, that between all those costs, raises insurance rates, loss of income, at that time, late 90s, the average cost of a DUI was 10000 dollars.
I never lost my job. I never lost my license. I had a hearing at the DMV, and the cop who arrested me never showed, so I won, and kept my license, and therefore my job. I had to get a second job to pay for the DUI, but hey, I was driving drunk,, there should be some punishment. No doubt.
But the laws have changed. Now, if you have a CDL, and get a DUI, bye bye license. For a year. That means you lose your job. How are you supposed to pay your rent? Car payment? Because if you get a DUI, you WILL pay for your classes, and now your probation has been privatized, so you pay for that each and every visit, too. You will pay for this shit, and you will pay for it first, before you pay rent, or feed your kids. The state doesn't care. My point is, they claim that they want to rehabilitate you, but they don't. They want your money, and that is it. They get so much money from a guy who is driving drunk. He deserves punishment. Yes. A thousand times yes. But what they do is beyond punishment. Its rape. What they do is create, in a lot of people a vicious circle that ends in loss of home, family, and most of all hope for the future. For being .007 over the limit, and having a headlight out. Seriously, you would be better off holding up a 7-11, than getting a DUI.
Ok. This Denver cop says that his firing for being drunk while driving 143 miles an hour in a 55 with a passenger in the car is unfair and overly harsh. Really? Unfair and overly harsh? Lots of people, who don't get to carry around guns, and shiney badges, lose their jobs for getting DUIs. What the FUCK makes you so goddamn special, asshole? You goddamn Denver cops spent the summer kicking the shit out of people who didn't deserve it, and appealing those firings as well. Why the fuck do you dipshits feel so entitled? Unfair and overly harsh? You, Derrick Curtis Saunders, are a cunt. Fuck you. Go away. Go flip burgers. Stick your head in the fryer. Fucking jackass. Fucking jackass that took an oath to uphold the law, and protect the citizens of our fine land. He sure took that seriously, huh? This is why no one trusts cops. Because you will gladly fuck us, while helping yourselves. I am not saying there should be no police, but how about some trustworthy ones? Get rid of the bad ones ( Derrick Fucktard Saunders, and the ones who beat the fuck out of the guy filming them beating the fuck out of the guy who ran a light), and get some guys in there who really want it, and most of all deserve it.
That's all I got. Don't drive drunk, and do not EVER speak to a cop. Don't tell those treacherous motherfuckers shit without a lawyer. They do not give a fuck about your rights, and are not there to protect you. If they are talking to you, you are their enemy. Forget that at your peril.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Oh, and a completely over-wrought sense of entitlement! Sadly epidemic in a lot of firefighters and law-enforcement.....
I'm watching rats dance on tv...just sayin'
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